Photo by Kiersten Aldridge
Renata Vesey (Certo-Ware)
Writer, Blogger, Traveler, Armchair Anthropologist + Untouchable Founder.
I'm a writer. I write froufy things sometimes, like rambling shopping lists and moisturizer reviews, and I also write poetry, essays, and character sketches. Little by little, I'm starting to share those - usually a long while after I write them, when the shock has worn off a bit.
I live outside of Philadelphia with my husband who used to be my roommate and our newest roommate, a son named Winston Wolfe. (Our first baby, Hazel, a beautiful red Standard Poodle, lives here too!) We bought our first house a few years ago and we’re fixing it up, including a lot of DIY projects. I absolutely love bold interior design, so you’ll see plenty of that on here. And, I have a day job, that I actually really enjoy and that let’s me be creative even when I’m on the clock, which is a must.
My name means "reborn." I do it all the time. Just this year alone I’ve been a few different people, and some have even been quite pleasant.
The Evolution of Untouchable
Untouchable originally started as a fashion blog.
Well, even before that, my very first blog (the name of which was so silly I won’t even share it here) started as a place to publish my experiences living in Istanbul. but I soon found that although I was writing about being a stranger in a strange land, when I wasn't writing, I was actually spending my time scoping fashion blogs. I soon realized that my life - no one’s life! - is not one or two or even three dimensional. I love learning about cities, trying new restaurants, reading about feminism, race, and politics, and getting into the nitty-gritty of the business side of fashion and shopping. I'll also readily admit that sometimes, I just love dressing up and taking pictures. So I decided to a rebirth was in order.
In that spirit, I started Untouchable as a place to share not only fashion, but essays, art reviews, and more.
So here on Untouchable, you'll find a lot.
Travel recommendations
Outfit posts
Op-Eds about the fashion industry, models, e-commerce, feminism
Shopping tips
Restaurant reviews
Art write-ups
I can go on...
Call it wide-ranging. Call it unfocused. Call it a modern survival guide. Call it trash reading or thought-provoking. Or just call it Untouchable.
Need to know more? Get in touch! Contact me here.