Grand Budapest Hotel-Inspired Video Game Is How Wes Anderson Would Have Done The Sims

Prefer an evening at an indie cinema over binge-playing World Of Warcraft in a poorly ventilated basement? Now, thanks to a student project at  NYU’s Gaming Center, even Wes Anderson fans have a reason to want to forego daylight and an eight-hour sleep cycle to play Maquisarda video game inspired by The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Described on the site as "a charming game of hotel investigation," (Anderson couldn't have put it better himself!) Maquisard borrows it's aesthetics, architecture, and tendencies for high-stakes white collar crime from the director. And for a fee of - well, whatever you want (users name their own price for a download) cinephiles can cop the game, where they'll take on duties as a lobby boy who is tasked with figuring out which hotel guest is actually a spy. The Zero Moustafa-esque main character has an array of skills at his disposal, from collecting intel (gossip) from other guests and hotel employees to eavesdropping on conversations and hiding behind flower pots.

Set against a sherbet-colored backdrop similar to Grand Budapest Hotel's, Maquisard's moniker itself also nods to the film - the game is named after rural French Resistance fighters from World War II - around the same time period from Budapest's flash-backs.

 Video games imitate art, is it not so?

Take a sneak peek at Maquisard in the video below, and head over to the website to download it for PC or Mac.


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