The Best $15 I Even Spent? These Faux Fur Poolslides, Hands-Down.

These faux fur pool slides from Urban Outfitters are easily the best $15 I ever spent. If the soundness of an investment was measured in compliments received compounded by comfort level and then multiplied by high style, I'd be a millionaire many times over. Instead, I'll just happily dress like one for now, with these Valley of the Dolls-esque baddies:

(Disclaimer: My dog hates when I do this, but she's cute when she's mad so I do it anyway.
(Disclaimer #2: I really just hover over her, ok, animal rights pplz?)

I sensibly opted for black, but I can't stop thinking about the pink and blue ones, too. Gotta collect them all, I think. 

Urban Outfitters has by far the best selection of très affordable ($10-$15) faux fur (and faux feather) pool slides like these super furry slides, these feathered slides, and these camo fur slides. But, if your budget allows for $90, $110, or even $545, there's a shoe for that:


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