On Meeting Anna Wintour, and Blowing It (Or, "How I Snuck into the Press Lineup at the MFA - and Almost Pulled It Off.")
True story: Anna Wintour presented herself to me for questions, I froze, became a hollow piñata of a person, and indicated, by way of a blank look in my eyes paired with a tight pursed lip, that she should move along down the line to the next interviewer.
Reed Krakoff at Kohl's Just Feels...Wrong
Reed Krakoff's collection for Kohl's officially "launched" in late April, just over a year after the designer announced what is slated to be a temporary closing and restructuring of his eponymous line. I say "launched" because while Reed Collection is still in its infancy, the designs themselves are several seasons old. The bags don't just reference the designer's highly-coveted pieces, they are exact replicas.
Arthur & Daughters At Maark Concept
Arthur & Daughters' Private Label collection of perfect pinnafores and fierce frocks effortlessly lend themselves to both novices and master layerers alike, proving that there's not a single outfit in existence that a sweet neoprene number or a felted wool apron dress can't make even chicer.
Joan Didion's Packing List
Joan Didion is as well-known and loved for her laconic, soulful writing as she is for her perfectly pared-down style, and her packing list, which she published in her 1979 book The White Album, shows that with a well-planned outline of her travel wardrobe, style is second nature.
Fashion Brands Should Be Hiring More Writers
Just as each label has a designer, or a team of designers, they should have at least one person whose sole role is painting a vivid picture of the brand - its history, its outlook, and its future. Brands would do well to employ a staff scribe, separate from the team of quippy copywriters who design sales-oriented marketing copy.