The Perfect Fancy Vacation Dress Exists
There’s nothing I love more than a fancy dress that wears like a casual dress. Plus, compliments from strangers hit different - this one will guarantee a few.
You May As Well Add Model, Photographer And Stylist To Your Resume.
If fashion and celebrity culture in the early aughts were seen through vaseline-covered lenses and heavily Photoshopped, painstakingly perfect pictures, now, amateur mirror selfies are more likely sources of influence and inspiration. An era of oversharing is in full-swing, and consumers are more accustomed to images shot on an iPhone than overly-glossy photography.
The Carissima Sheath From Anthropologie Disproves Designer Burnout
What Byron Lars, the designer of this dress, and Anthropologie, have quietly managed to do is quite the feat. They have discovered an immortal retail formula that I'm not sure has been achieved since the Dawn of Fast Fashion.
Sunday Best
I tend to wear yoga pants like, a lot. But I can safely say I'm equally at home in a silk dress, even if it's just for an impromptu stroll through the South End. Although I'm just real-estate gawking and stoop-sitting this weekend, I can't wait to take this dress out for a summer wedding, baby shower, or rooftop cocktail party.